setApiKey('auth_token', 'ISNWF0P30WM0CMK'); $api_instance = new Braango\braangoapi\PersonnelsApi(); // string | Sub dealer for which this sales person belongs to. $subdealerid = "subdealers2002"; // string | Sales person ID that was returned when this personnel was created $salespersonid = "945cddce-6ef6-46e4-ac70-09375cf5165a"; // \Braango\braangomodel\PersonnelUpdateRequestInput | $personnelUpdateRequestInput = new \Braango\braangomodel\PersonnelUpdateRequestInput(); $typeAdfCRMEmail = FALSE; /* * { "api_key": "ISNGvAzwuy4X7vAqrtV", "id": "any value", * "account_type": "partner" } */ $hdr = new rhdr(); // Set the account type to partner for // virtual dealer and partner hosted // accounts $hdr->setAccountType("partner"); // dealer_api_key returned // when partner_dealer was created $hdr->setApiKey("ISNMdzuNiKG7jhl9d9v"); // ID that will be reflected back $hdr->setId("create-personnel-s2002r2"); $personnelUpdateRequestInput->setHeader($hdr); $personnelUpdateBody = new model\PersonnelUpdate(); // REQUIRED FIELDS // Required field . Used for // SMS login in to the UI // For Braango Enterprise, this is don't care // unless partner implements UI with SMS login $personnelUpdateBody->setSmsLogin(FALSE); /* * Password will be encrypted with SHA-25 and base64 encoded and stored * internally within the braango system. pattern: * ^(?=^.{6,10}$)(?=.*\d)( * ?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[!@#$%^&*()_+}{" * ;:;'?/>.<,])(?!.*\s).*$ * * Used for single sign on. needs to 6-10 characters with one capital, * one numberal and one special character * * Chaning the password for the update call * */ $personnelUpdateBody->setPassword("test2T$"); $personnelUpdateBody->setEmail(""); // If email specified is that for // CRM email (ADF XML compliant) $personnelUpdateBody->setTypeAdfCrm($typeAdfCRMEmail); /* * Number where dealer's root account can be reached via SMS * for leads * * pattern:^\(?(\d{3})\)?[- ]?(\d{3})[- ]?(\d{4})$ */ $personnelUpdateBody->setPhoneNumber("4089763434"); /* * Number where dealer's root account can be reached via SMS * for leads * * pattern:^\(?(\d{3})\)?[- ]?(\d{3})[- ]?(\d{4})$ */ $personnelUpdateBody->setSmsNumber('4089763434'); // Subscribe to the group $personnelUpdateBody->setGroup('s2002g'); // OPTIONAL FIELDS // List of dealer banners. Braango will // randomly choose one when sending // message to dealer via SMS // $dealerBanners = array( "s2002r2db1updated" ); $personnelUpdateBody->setDealerBanners($dealerBanners); // List of client banners. Braango // will randomly choose one when // sending dealer messages to client $clientBanners = array( 's2002r2cb1updated' ); $personnelUpdateBody->setClientBanners($clientBanners); // List of dealer footers. Braango will // randomly choose one when sending // message to dealer via SMS // $dealerFooters = array( 's2002r2df1updated' ); $personnelUpdateBody->setDealerFooters($dealerFooters); // List of client footers. Braango // will randomly choose one when // sending dealer messages to client $clientFooters = array( 's2002r2cf1updated' ); $personnelUpdateBody->setClientFooters($clientFooters); // List of supervisor banners. Braango // will randomly choose one when // sending messages to supervisor $supervisorBanners = array( 's2002r2sb1updated' ); $personnelUpdateBody->setSupervisorBanners($supervisorBanners); // List of supervisor footers. Braango // will randomly choose one when // sending messages to supervisor $supervisorFooters = array( 's2002r2sf1updated' ); $personnelUpdateBody->setSupervisorFooters($supervisorFooters); $personnelUpdateRequestInput->setBody($personnelUpdateBody); try { $result = $api_instance->updatePersonnel($subdealerid, $salespersonid, $personnelUpdateRequestInput); if ($result != null) { // Extract out response hdr and bdy $rspHdr = $result->getHeader(); if ($requestHdr = ! null) { $rspId = $rspHdr->getId(); $braangoRequestId = $rspHdr->getIsnRequestId(); print_r("Response ID = " . $rspId . ", API Request Id = " . $braangoRequestId . "\n"); } $rspBdy = $result->getBody(); if ($rspBdy != null) { $status = $rspBdy->getStatus(); // Typically this value should be always SUCCESS else exception will be thrown // Sometimes, this can be WARNING to indicate if any resource conflicted or not // In case of SUCCESS or WARNING, resources are always created (excepting warned sub-resources) print_r("Status = " . $status . "\n"); $salesPersonId = $rspBdy->getData()->getSalesPersonId(); print_r("SUCCESS : Updated SalespersonID = " . $salesPersonId . "\n"); } } } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling PersonnelsApi->updatePersonnel: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } ?>