setApiKey('auth_token', 'ISNWF0P30WM0CMK'); $api_instance = new Braango\braangoapi\ConnectsApi(); // string | id of the _sub_dealer_ $subdealerid = "subdealers2002"; // Braango\braangomodel\DealerConnectRequestInput | $dealerConnectRequestInput = new \Braango\braangomodel\DealerConnectRequestInput(); /* * { "api_key": "ISNGvAzwuy4X7vAqrtV", "id": "any value", * "account_type": "partner" } */ $hrd = new rhdr(); // dealer_api_key returned // when partner_dealer was created $hrd->setApiKey("ISNMdzuNiKG7jhl9d9v"); // Set the account type to partner for // virtual dealer and partner hosted // accounts $hrd->setAccountType("partner"); // ID that will be reflected back $hrd->setId("add-client-01"); $dealerConnectRequestInput->setHeader($hrd); // This is where the action happens $dealerConnectBody = new model\DealerConnect(); // This is the client that is going // to be seeded into the // braango system for this subdealer and/or // given personnel // // If the client already exists, it simply // becomes upsert operation // // This also informs braango // which client to use for connecting // to the subDealer personnel $dealerConnectBody->setClientNumber("4089874333"); // Specifies if the client // is to be connected with // the dealer. $dealerConnectBody->setConnectEnable(TRUE); // specify the braango number // to be used. System will // verify if the braango number // is valid for given sub_dealer and/or personnel // // If not specified, partner's blast number will be // used // // As a fallback Braango's general number will be used // if everything fails $dealerConnectBody->setBraangoNumber("555-555-5555"); $message = array( "Line 1" ); $dealerConnectBody->setMessage($message); $dealerConnectRequestInput->setBody($dealerConnectBody); try { $api_instance->dealerConnectAllPersonnel($subdealerid, $dealerConnectRequestInput); // status code } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling ConnectsApi->dealerConnectAllPersonnel: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } ?>