#!/bin/env bash # btcuser ~/.bash_aliases # Reference: http://explainshell.com/ # Bitcoin C++ implementation # Bitcoin bitcoin-cli and daemon aliases # https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#rpc-quick-reference alias bch='bitcoin-cli help' alias bchome='cd ~/.bitcoin' alias bcal='alias | grep "\bbc"' alias bccli='bitcoin-cli' alias bcbc='bitcoin-cli getblockcount' alias bccc='bitcoin-cli getconnectioncount' alias bci='bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo | jq' alias bcping='bitcoin-cli ping;bitcoin-cli getpeerinfo | grep pingtime' alias bcmemp='bitcoin-cli getmempoolinfo | jq' alias bcnet='bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo | jq' alias bclp='bitcoin-cli getpeerinfo | jq' # alias bclp1='bccli getpeerinfo | grep 7hhs4jqjdcsakhlp.onion' alias bclpa='bccli getpeerinfo | grep onion' alias bcpg='bccli getpeerinfo | grep' alias bclban='bitcoin-cli listbanned | jq' alias bcnetof='bitcoin-cli setnetworkactive' alias bcmem='bitcoin-cli getmemoryinfo | jq' alias bcdiff='bitcoin-cli getdifficulty' # bitcoin-cli Wallet Aliases alias bcwi='bitcoin-cli getwalletinfo | jq' alias bcla='bitcoin-cli listreceivedbyaddress 0 true | jq' # [minconf=0] [includeempty=true]; List all system addresses alias bclr='bitcoin-cli listreceivedbyaddress | jq' # [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]; List received addresses alias bcla='bitcoin-cli listaccounts | jq' # [minconf=1] Returns Object that has account names as keys, account balances as values. alias bclag='bitcoin-cli listaddressgroupings | jq' # version 0.7 Returns all addresses in the wallet and info used for coincontrol. alias bclra='bitcoin-cli listreceivedbyaccount | jq' # [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]; Returns the account of the receiving addresses alias bclt='bitcoin-cli listtransactions bcuseraccount 10 | jq' # [account] [count=10] [from=0] Returns up to [count] most recent transactions skipping the first [from] transactions for account [account]. alias bcstf='bitcoin-cli settxfee' # is a real and is rounded to the nearest 0.00000001; BTC/KB for bitcoind alias bcwp='bitcoin-cli walletpassphrase 30' # Stores the wallet decryption key in memory for seconds. alias bcbal='bitcoin-cli getbalance | jq' # [account] [minconf=1] If [account] is not specified, returns the server's total available balance. alias bcga='bitcoin-cli getaccount' # Returns the account associated with the given address. alias bcgaa='bitcoin-cli getaccountaddress bcuseraccount' # Returns the current bitcoin address for receiving payments to this account. If does not exist, it will be created along with an associated new address that will be returned. alias bcbw='bitcoin-cli backupwallet ~/linode-bitcoind-wallet-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%I-%M-%S).bak' # Safely copies wallet.dat to destination, which can be a directory or a path with filename. alias bcdk='bitcoin-cli dumpprivkey' # Reveals the private key corresponding to alias bclaa='bitcoin-cli getaddressesbyaccount bcuseraccount | jq' alias bcsta='bitcoin-cli sendtoaddress' # address amount ( comment comment_to subtractfeefromamount replaceable conf_target estimate_mode) # Stop and start the daemon alias bcstop='bitcoin-cli stop' alias bcstart='bitcoind -daemon' alias bcdebug='bitcoind -daemon -debug=' # tor and zmq are good systems to debug alias bclog='tail -f -n 50 ~/.bitcoin/debug.log' alias bcedit='nano ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf'